🧛 Let Me Count The Ways…

Anna Kendrick - Love You Awesome Nerds

In no particular order. Seriously. These are still in the original “brain dump” order.

  1. POODR
  2. The Ruby Rogues - episodes pre-250 were crucial in my focus on Ruby early on.
  3. Sandi Metz -> understanding concepts & implementation. twitter confreaks.tv
  4. Katrina Owen -> refactoring, and the love of tests. twitter confreaks.tv
  5. Code Newbie
  6. Saron -> all around awesome. twitter confreaks.tv
  7. The ruby sticker on my phone
  8. Tenderlove -> puns. twitter confreaks.tv
  9. Dhh
  10. Matz
  11. Happiness first
  12. Intent revealing code
  13. Parentheses not required
  14. Monkey Patching
  15. Pragmatic programmers
  16. JEG2
  17. Avdi
  18. Ben Orenstein -> command line fluency
  19. Conference talks
  20. Dave Brady -> 💩 jokes
  21. CMM
  22. Martin Fowler -> refactoring
  23. Refactoring
  24. TDD culture
  25. Culture in general
  26. Steve Klabnik
  27. why ruby youtube
  28. Minitest
  29. Rspec
  30. Unless keyword
  31. MIT license
  32. Why the Lucky Stiff
  33. Chunky bacon
  34. Jim Weirich
  35. array.first as part of the stdlib.
  36. array.second is so nice for small collections, from the Active Support gem.
  37. array.forty_two - fun for the sake of fun, from the Active Support gem.
  38. How easy it is to work with YAML
  39. The shovel operator «
  40. Pair programming as part of the culture
  41. Pair programming is like piloting a jaeger
  42. Guard
  43. Rubocop
  44. Many dinner courses, change out as necessary
  45. Minitest Nyan Cat
  46. Minitest Emoji
  47. Intent revealing code - lack of comments is great
  48. Cli parsing with -e and ARGF 💖
  49. Keyword arguments
  50. Keyword arguments in blocks w/ example (rapec shared examples)
  51. Activesupport - [7].one? == true
  52. ^ - 10.minutes.from_now
  53. ^ - Time.utc
  54. Dave…?