So, 2015 has started, and I’m sitting here, on a Saturday, studying and planning out my year. Truth be told, though, I really only plan to do a few certain things.

  • Be Happy: This is a goal of mine because it’s something everyone has to either make a priority or hope that it comes through regular hard work (spoiler: it never does). Well, I’ve been pretty unhappy over the past few years, and this year, I’m making a conscious effort to change that.

  • Study Hard: I want to get better at what I do. This past year has shown to me that studying hard hard isn’t just for school-attending students — it’s for anyone that wants to better themself. So that’s my plan: keep moving forward, but making sure that I’m learning the lessons as I go (notes, notes, notes!)

  • Get Health(ier): I haven’t been good about exercising, but I want to make that something I change. I don’t plan on going to the gym, or running (knee problems), but I would like to consider getting an entry-level bicycle. I’m 5 minutes from a park, at home and at work, so I have little excuse.